Type Variance Of An Assignment
Type variance is one of the most difficult and confusing subjects when it comes to statically typed programming languages. It is often explained as somewhat convoluted rules about container classes and how they can be substituted based on type arguments. This blog is an attempt to explain type variance using much simpler things like variable assignment and functions!
The code examples are written in Kotlin. If you’re not familiar with it, you should be ok after skimming creating instances of classes, variable assignment and functions sections of documentation.
Here is a simple hierarchy where class B
inherits from class A
open class A
open class B: A() {
fun foo() {}
Classes A
and B
correspond to types with the same names.
Type B
is a subtype of A
because class B
inherits from A
From a practical point of view, this means that we can replace A
objects with B
objects and the program will still compile.
For example, given:
Replacing A
with B
is ok but replacing B
with A
is not:
A()B() // ok
B()A().foo() // compilation error because A doesn't have foo() method
This is pretty much the definition of subtyping:
replaced with A | replaced with B | |
object A | ✅ | ✅ |
object B | ❌ | ✅ |
Variable assignment
Let’s assign A
and B
objects to some variables:
val x1: A = A()
val x2: B = B()
Just like in the previous example replacing object A
with B
is ok, but not the other way round
(note that this is not the same as replacing characters “A” and “B”):
val x1: A = A()B() // ok
val x2: B = B()A() // compilation error
It becomes a bit more interesting when we try to replace variable types A
and B
val x1: A B = A() // compilation error
val x2: B A = B() // ok
The interesting thing here is that unlike examples before replacing A
with B
failed to compile but replacing B
with A
was ok.
In other words, replacing A
and B
in object constructors has different effect compared to replacing A
and B
in variable types.
This also shows that if B
is a subtype of A
, we cannot just replace all “A” symbols with “B” everywhere and expect the code to compile.
This is summarised in the table below:
replaced with A | replaced with B | |
object A | ✅ | ✅ |
object B | ❌ | ✅ |
replaced with A | replaced with B | |
val type A | ✅ | ❌ |
val type B | ✅ | ✅ |
Covariance of read
Following the previous example, we can extract object constructors into readA()
and readB()
fun readA(): A = A()
fun readB(): B = B()
val x1: A = readA()
val x2: B = readB()
Similarly, we can try replacing readA
with readB
and vice versa.
Because read
functions directly call object constructors,
it’s not surprising that the result is the same as when we were replacing A
and B
val x1: A = readA()readB() // ok
val x2: B = readB()readA() // compilation error
The difference compared to using objects directly is that readA
and readB
functions have their own types:
val x1: () -> A = ::readA ::readB // ok
val x2: () -> B = ::readB ::readA // compilation error
replaced with readA | replaced with readB | |
readA | ✅ | ✅ |
readB | ❌ | ✅ |
The table results look identical to the one we’ve seen when replacing A
and B
Since B
is a subtype of A
, we can conclude that a function with type () -> B
is a subtype of () -> A
A () -> A
⬆ ⬆
B () -> B
The fat arrows which show subtyping are pointing in the same direction,
so the read
functions are said to be covariant.
Contravariance of write
We can modify the assignment example in another way by extracting assignments into functions
(there is no need for x1
and x2
variables, they are left only to illustrate the transformation):
fun writeA(a: A) { val x1: A = a }
fun writeB(b: B) { val x2: B = b }
When replacing writeA
with writeB
and vice versa, we get the following output
which matches the results of replacing A
and B
variable types:
writeA writeB(A()) // compilation error
writeB writeA(B()) // ok
The same can be expressed by replacing writeA
and writeB
val x1: (A) -> Unit = ::writeA ::writeB // compilation error
val x2: (B) -> Unit = ::writeB ::writeA // ok
replaced with writeA | replaced with writeB | |
writeA | ✅ | ❌ |
writeB | ✅ | ✅ |
If we swap rows and columns in the table above, then the results will match the summary table for A
and B
But also writeA
and writeB
labels will swap places with each other, so we can conclude that the type (A) -> Unit
is a subtype of (B) -> Unit
A (A) -> Unit
⬆ ⬇
B (B) -> Unit
The fat arrows which show subtyping are pointing in different directions, so the write
functions are said to be contravariant.
The results of replacing objects and types in an assignment:
replaced with A | replaced with B | |
object A | ✅ | ✅ |
object B | ❌ | ✅ |
replaced with A | replaced with B | |
val type A | ✅ | ❌ |
val type B | ✅ | ✅ |
The results of replacing read
and write
replaced with readA | replaced with readB | |
readA | ✅ | ✅ |
readB | ❌ | ✅ |
replaced with writeA | replaced with writeB | |
writeA | ✅ | ❌ |
writeB | ✅ | ✅ |
It is possible to rewrite read
and write
in a more generic way using type parameters. The rewritten functions will keep all the properties described above.
fun <T> read(): T = error("👻")
fun <T> write(value: T) {}
val x: B = read<B>read<A>() // compilation error
write<A>write<B>(A()) // compilation error
Variance depends on the argument position in function signature.
For example, given a generic function which consumes values of type T1
and T2
, and returns value of type U
the function will be covariant in its return type U
and contravariant in T1
and T2
👇 👇
fun <T1, T2, U> foobar(t1: T1, t2: T2): U = error("👻")
Overall, the main message here is that covariance and contravariance rules are not arbitrary but a logical conclusion from type substitution and variable assignment.